What is Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome?
HAVS is a condition resulting from prolonged exposure to hand-transmitted vibrations, primarily affecting the peripheral circulation of the hands and the nervous system of the arms. It can lead to musculoskeletal damage in the arms, with its classic manifestation being vibration white finger.
In Which Professions is HAVS Common?
HAVS is prevalent among those whose jobs involve the use of vibrating tools, particularly those who operate equipment like jackhammers, grinding machines, electric drills, air chisels, pneumatic hammers, polishers, grinders, and riveting machines for extended periods. These occupations are widespread in industries such as machinery manufacturing, construction, mining, and transportation, posing a significant health risk to workers in these sectors.

Symptoms of HAVS
The symptoms may arise gradually or abruptly, including:
Numbness, tingling, or pain in fingers and palms that may intensify and interfere with daily activities.
Reduced dexterity due to nerve damage, making tasks like gripping or writing difficult.
Long-term vibration can cause muscle wasting, weakening handgrip strength.
Hardening, roughness, dryness, cracks, or ulcers may appear on the skin.
These symptoms can deteriorate, severely impacting the patient's life quality and work capability. Workers experiencing such discomfort during vibratory tasks should seek professional consultation or examination from qualified occupational health facilities. Suspected cases should be diagnosed by specialized occupational disease institutions.

Preventing HAVS
- Using Anti-Vibration Gear
Employ vibration-damping gloves and mats to reduce vibration intensity and minimize harm.
Regularly exercise arm muscles to boost strength and endurance against vibrations.
Conduct comprehensive health checks, especially for arms, to detect and manage early symptoms. Pre-employment and regular occupational health assessments are mandatory for vibration-exposed workers. Those unsuited for such work must abstain, and prompt intervention for detected cases is vital. Enhance health management, education, and personal health awareness among workers. Long-term vibration tool users should monitor the intensity of their tools regularly.
- Hand-Transmitted Vibration Monitoring
For personnel frequently exposed to vibrating tools, regular hand-transmitted vibration assessments help quantify exposure levels, enabling workers to adjust their work methods and protective measures accordingly.

Although Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome may seem daunting, by enhancing our awareness of prevention and actively implementing preventive measures, we can effectively avoid the onset of this condition. Starting today, let's prioritize our health and safeguard ourselves against the afflictions of HAVS!
What to Consider During Occupational Health Exams?
When examining workers with a history of using hand-held vibrating tools, the examining physician should pay special attention, thoroughly querying about their peripheral nerve and vascular health, any history of Raynaud's phenomenon, and experiences of numbness, pain, or abnormal sensations in the hands. The physician should meticulously inspect the fingers and palms for swelling, discoloration, joint deformities, and normal sensation at the fingertips. A pulp compression test is also performed to detect anomalies. Besides routine tests like blood and urine analysis, serum tests, ALT, and ECG, the physician may tailor additional tests such as cold water rewarming tests, nerve conduction studies, vibration perception tests, and temperature sensation checks to comprehensively evaluate the worker's health status.

—— 關 于 工 樂 ——
廣州工樂科(kē)技(jì )有限公司成立于 2016 年,注冊資金 1200 萬元,是國(guó)家高新(xīn)技(jì )術企業,通過ISO9001、ISO14001、ISO 45001 管理(lǐ)體(tǐ)系認證。
工樂科(kē)技(jì )專注于 EHS(環境、健康、安(ān)全) 事業,自主研發,生産和銷售專業的環境監測、職業衛生、綠色建築,實驗室分(fēn)析及應急求援等儀器設備及技(jì )術服務(wù)等。
Le 系列空氣采樣器,OSHnet/EEMnet 在線(xiàn)監測雲平台,聲學(xué)與振動監測系統,手傳振動病診斷設備是高新(xīn)技(jì )術産品。


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